The droid then wandered the planet alone until he gathered the parts necessary to repair the Ebon Hawk, and eventually the droid rescued Meetra Surik from Darth Sion, and helped her in her quest to stop the Sith Triumvirate.Īfter this, T3-M4 joined Surik in going after Revan in the Unknown Regions, their quest eventually taking them to Dromund Kaas. Eventually, their quest led them to Nathema, where the Ebon Hawk was shot down byDarth Nyriss and the Lord Scourge, and Revan was captured. Two years after defeating Darth Malak, Revan left for the Unknown Regions in search of answers to why the Mandalorians took to warin the first place, taking T3-M4 with him. He then accompanied Revan on his search for the Star Forge.
His life of crime was short-lived, however, after Taris was bombarded by the Sith and Davik was killed. T3-M4 (also called Teethree for short) was a T3-series utility droid built as a master slicer for crime lord Davik Kang.